Watch our last episode in the upper limb nerve examinations series and our second installment on how to examine the brachial plexus!
Our next orthohub examination episode has you covered: a brachial plexus examination video that’s not completely dull and incomprehensible! Whether you are new to the job, preparing for the FRCS Tr & Orth exam, or an old timer, this examination gives you everything you need to know, and everything you need to do.
In this installment, UK orthopaedic surgeon, Tom Quick (@TJQPNI), does the brachial plexus in total, with full-explanations and anatomy explained. The Valhalla!
Tom isolates each individual muscle, which (on Louis Collins at least!) stands out beautifully.
When you watch this, you’ll notice Tom focuses on examining each action of each muscle. Note how he assesses power and function.
Who knew the deltoid had three different components, all with different actions?
How the hell do you test serratus anterior and what’s the point of it anyway?
Where does the axillary nerve actually run and where is it at risk?
We all know what a Tinel sign is, but how do you use it in the context of a brachial plexus injury?
Look out in future for examinations of patients with real pathology, putting all the theory into practice, right here on orthohub.
The brachial plexus examination made simple....or as simple as we can possibly make it! Watch the first installment here.
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