Orthohub was the shared vision of Mike, Kash, Pete and Ramon. Following the success of the early episodes of the see one do one podcast over christmas 2019 the team started to develop and recognise the vision and potential of orthohub.
Spring 2020 saw COVID-19 cause turmoil across the world. Face to face meetings and teaching became impossible yet the need for education remained. Rather than creating an educational resource for local surgeons, we thought we would open the content up to everyone.
Rather than just replicated a lecture but online the team delivered pre-webinar clinical cases to engage the audience ahead of the session, a live webinar with enthusiastic, knowledgeable and engaging faculty, along with post webinar takeaway videos explaining the faculty members thoughts about the case to close the educational loop. Some are even followed up with an interview with the guest on a podcast to really enhance the learning.
Moving forwards the orthohub team are passionate to break down barriers between leading surgeons and members of the community. We want to learn from them, whilst also learning about them.
At orthohub we want to shape the future of orthopaedic education through learning how and why decisions are made and the tips and tricks of operating. The art of surgery is more than just knowing how to do something, it's knowing the simple steps that make for better results.