episode 7: the social distancing episode

4th May 2020, Pete Bates & Kash Akhtar
A BUMPER DOUBLE-EDITION episode to help get you through the lockdown!
This unprecedented episode is brought to you by the words "covid", "tsunami", "FAME" and "unprecedented".
We review the impact on Covid-19 on the management of trauma & orthopaedic patients.
We talk about the changes in our day-to-day lives and the impact on our clinical practices.
We review how Orthohub (www.orthohub.xyz) came about at breakneck speed, and look back over the 1st webinar. The initial plan was to provide teaching to our local trainees on the Royal London and Percivall Pott rotations, but this rapidly morphed (due to the beauty of t'internet) to providing free interactive orthopaedic education for all.
We then hone in on the non-operative treatment of orthopaedic trauma and the challenges that arise, including the provision of physio and finding traction equipment nowadays.
We think that orthopaedic surgeons may be more open to non-operative treatment after this covid experience and there may be more equipoise within the orthopaedic community.
Pete gives us some tips on external fixation and optimising this in case it inadvertently becomes the definitive treatment out of necessity.
We then discuss how not ALL upper limb fractures can be treated conservatively (shoutout to Dinesh Nathwani!) and those that may require surgical intervention.
We detour on to Pete's very sharp lockdown haircut before coming back on track with humerus and elbow fractures, including 'milking' the capitellum.
The importance of operating on neck of femur fractures whenever appropriate is highlighted before we undertake a detailed tour of knee injuries plus pelvis, femoral and tibial fractures.
Pete finally comes out and explains why he loves the FAME trial.
We discuss the difference between non-operative treatment and neglect, and what pitfalls to avoid.
We then talk about the hidden burden of trauma that is likely to be coming our way with delayed presentation during a 2nd wave.
Pete summarises his key lessons that we have learnt so far during Covid-19, and this is very good.
He then lets himself down by displaying his ignorance of social media.
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