Hey everybody!
Welcome to our third episode of the Ankle Surgery Update. The COVID pandemic has resulted in an unknown mobilization of medical resources. Our thoughts are with our collogues in those countries that have been struck worst, who were facing an unimaginary humanitarian emergency. But maybe we can distract you for the next minutes by presenting and discussion the following 3 papers we picked for this month’s episode.
The articles chosen are:
- Functional outcome and general health status after plate osteosynthesis of posterior malleolus fractures - The quest for eligibility. By Mertens et al. published in Injury (doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.02.109)
- Comparison of Tendon Lengthening With Traditional Versus Accelerated Rehabilitation After Achilles Tendon Repair: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. By Okoroha et al. published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine (doi: 10.1177/0363546520909389)
- Effect of Tourniquet Use During Ankle Fracture Fixation on Wound Healing and Infectious Complications. By Benedick et al published in Foot Ankle International (doi: 10.1177/1071100720907379)
Thank you very much for listening to Ankle Surgery Update – Science Guiding Treatment. We have to stand together strong to tackle what there might be ahead. Still, we also have to be aware of our patients needs in foot and ankle surgery! We hope you and your families are healthy and safe and you tune in next month again!
Hans & Sebastian