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Join our panel to explore the topic of resilience:

There is much talk of resilience across all sectors and organisations, but what does it actually mean? Do some people have more resilience than others? Where does resilience come from, and how can you make it work for you?

As we continue to be steered in the direction of ‘normal’ in both our working lives and home lives, many people are turning their attention to the backlog of work that was already building up before the pandemic and wondering how on earth they are going to catch up, especially against the backdrop of tiredness, and perhaps a general feeling of â€˜what just happened?’

Fortunately, there is lots to be understood about how resilience works, and how it can serve us as an antidote to stress, worry, overwhelm and even burnout.

This webinar on Wednesday 22nd July aims to address the following:

  • simplifying what is resilience, and how can it help you navigate challenging or difficult situations both in work and personally.
  • understanding how resilience works (and how it doesn’t) in a way that can have a dramatic impact on your energy levels, mindset and your to-do list.
  • the one simple mindset shift that can have you spending more time operating from your resilience and less time operating from stress, burden, and overwhelm.

Followed by an opportunity for your comments, discussion and insights.

If you’d like to understand more about your own resilience, and how you can optimise it to help you navigate your work (and life) in the coming weeks, months and beyond, then please do come along to this webinar on 22nd July to explore this much talked about, but less understood innate resource within all of us as human beings.