the dislocating shoulder - a quest for stability

Course Instructors

Graham Tytherleigh-Strong Graham Tytherleigh-Strong Cambridge University Hospitals
Lennard Funk Lennard Funk Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Hannan Mullett Hannan Mullett National Orthopaedic Hospital, Cappagh, Dublin
Livio Di Masco Livio Di Masco The Royal London Hospital

Event description

This orthohub webinar has brought together leaders in the field of shoulder surgery from across the UK who describe their experience in the quest for stability.

We address the common but challenging scenarios that arise when treating instability. Firstly how should we treat the first time shoulder dislocation? We’ll explore the rationale behind selecting those who can safely be treated non-operativley and distinguishing them from those who should undergo surgery.

Next we’ll discuss how to approach the recurrent dislocator. How should we manage the soft tissues and what strategies should we employ when there’s associated bone loss? How can  we contain the multi-directionally unstable shoulder?

Not only will we talk about decision making but, this webinar will describe surgical detail and technical tips.

All these Qs, and tons of others, confronted and answered by our totally awesome faculty.

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