Having graduated from Newcastle University in 1981, I remained in the north east. There, I first undertook my basic surgical training, and subsequently, my orthopaedic and trauma training, before spending a year in Adelaide, South Australia, where I gained experience in knee ligament reconstruction surgery. I returned to the UK in 1993 to take up a consultant post in Durham, where I have remained since. From 2005, I have been lead clinician in trauma and orthopaedics at County Durham and the Darlington NHS Trust.
My elective practice initially comprised general orthopaedics with an interest in soft-tissue knee surgery, and while this has subsequently developed almost exclusively to knee surgery of all types, I continue to have a general trauma interest.
I have an interest in surgical education and am currently chair of the specialist training committee for trauma and orthopaedics. I’m also quality management lead in the School of Surgery in the Northern Deanery.
I am an examiner at MRCS level and also Regional Specialty College Adviser in trauma and orthopaedics.

Webinar 002 - COVID-19 x training: the impact on orthopaedic training: what does it mean for you?