Dr. Freddie H. Fu is the David Silver Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Distinguished Service Professor, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Fu specializes in Sports Medicine and serves as the Head Team Physician for the University of Pittsburgh Athletic Department.

Dr. Fu graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College in 1974 and received his BMS in 1975 from Dartmouth Medical School. He earned his medical degree in 1977 from the University of Pittsburgh and completed his general surgery internship at Brown University. He returned to Pitt to complete his orthopaedic residency training. Dr. Fu was an AO International Fellow at the Hannover Trauma Center in Germany and an arthroscopic surgery fellow in East Lansing, Michigan.

Dr. Fuโ€™s major research interest lies in anatomic ACL reconstruction, clinical outcomes, and bioengineering of sports-related problems. Dr. Fu is an author of over 700 peer-reviewed articles and has made over 1300 national and international presentations, co-authored 173 books chapters, and edited 33 major orthopaedic textbooks. He has an h-index of 106, more than 40,000 citations, both among the very top of all orthopaedic researchers. In 2019, the University of Pittsburgh was named the number one university in the world for ACL publications over a 40-year period and Dr. Fu was named the most published author with 378 publications on the ACL.

Dr. Fu oversees one of the top and most ethnically and gender-diversified orthopaedic residency training programs in the country. For this, he received the 2011 AAOS Diversity Award. He has been honored with over 300 professional awards including the 2014 AAOS Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award. In July 2016, he was inducted to the AOSSM Hall of Fame. For Dr. Fuโ€™s pioneering work in orthopaedic sports medicine and his contributions to UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh, the UPMC Sports Medicine Center was re-opened in 2018 as the UPMC Freddie Fu Sports Medicine Center following a multi-million-dollar renovation.
