• Host Katherine Mallett, MD

• Guest interviewee Natalia Czerwonka, MD, discussing her research article “'Trend' Statement Use in the Orthopaedic Literature” from the August 1, 2024 issue.

Article summarized from the August 1, 2024 issue.

Research article “Hydrogen Peroxide May Reduce the Risk for Revision Surgery and Infection in Primary Shoulder Arthroplasty: Two-year Follow-up From a Prospective, Blinded, Controlled Trial”

• Article summarized from the August 15, 2024 issue.

Research article “Using Next-Generation Sequencing to Understand Infection Prevention in Surgical Treatment of Upper Extremity Fractures—A Prospective Cohort Study”

Follow this link to download these and other articles from the August 1, 2024 issue of JAAOSand the August 15, 2024 issue of JAAOS.

The JAAOS Unplugged podcast series is brought to you by the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the AAOS Resident Assembly.

In addition, this podcast is brought to you by our sponsor, Surgiphor. To learn more about the wound irrigation Surgiphor™ System, visitgo.bd.com/Surgiphor.

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