Mr Murty is a full-time trauma, foot and ankle and limb reconstruction surgeon. He trained in India and England and did fellowship in New Zealand.
He is the head of trauma for Northumbria healthcare NHS trust and also heads the Northern Orthopaedic foot and ankle society.
At a Trust level Mr Murty lead the introduction of Virtual fracture clinic, trauma management database, regional anaesthesia outpatient lists for wrist fractures and Trauma and orthogeriatric nurse coordinators.
He leads the Orthopaedic training of emergency care nurse practitioner education.
He provides tertiary referral service for non-arthroplasty infections, complex and complicated lower limb fractures.
His research currently focuses on role of psychological factures and catastrophistation in outcomes following surgery.

[…] An Murty – Keeping your head screwed on - The case for fixation of the proximal femoral fracture […]