As #ThePaedipodsCast 🎙 presents its TENTH episode, podcast host Mr Pranai Buddhdev was extremely fortunate to have sporadically met and sat down with Professor Stefano Bini from UCSF, USA who is a worldwide leader in the technological space with regards to its application to Orthopaedic Surgery. He is the Chief Technology officer and Founder of  the Digital Orthopaedics Conference SF (DOCSF) which is held each year in January where startup companies meet each year to discuss and share ideas as to how technology can disrupt th orthopaedic industry, with a vision to create a movement that delivers digital health (lower cost, higher quality, and better access) by focusing on technology within musculoskeletal care. 

In this episode we talk about his role in the orthopaedic dept at UCSF, discuss what is meant by Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning & Machine Learning, where the future technological advancements will be specifically within paediatric orthopaedics and how we can adopt them within our clinical practice. Its an excellent episode and I hope you will  all learn something! Please share with family/friends/colleagues

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DOCSF Website:

DOCSF Podcast:

Live Lecture Video on 'Impact of future digitial tools in Orthopaedic Surgery':

Live Lecture  Video on 'Augmented Reality in Orthopaedics":